
Wealden District Council acknowledges the great work that physical activity providers, sports clubs and community organisations play in supporting and delivering health and wellbeing activities to our residents. We want to continue supporting our local workforce so that they can continue meeting the diverse needs of the people within our communities.

The sport and physical activity workforce are anyone who supports sport and physical activity including:

  • Clubs/groups/activity deliverers
  • Coaches
  • Volunteers
  • The professional sport and physical activity workforce

On this page you will find a range of useful information and resources to support the workforce and enable you to continue working within the community.

Active Sussex

Active Sussex aims to develop and support a diverse and skilled workforce that have the knowledge, skills, competencies and behaviours, to provide positive experiences of sport and physical activity that engage, empower and enthuse everyone.

Developing the workforce to meet the different needs of different people within the communities they work in.

Coaching information and support.

Safeguarding of children, young people & adults engaged in sport and physical activity.

Sussex Health Instructor Network helps develop and support instructors/personal trainers that are part of the exercise referral pathway and/or working with participants with long-term health conditions. The network is also open to healthcare professionals working with people with long-term health conditions.

Community of learning brings together relevant research, insight, case studies and webinars to help you develop your understanding and offering.

CIMSPA (The Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity is the professional development body for the UK’s sport and physical activity sector, committed to supporting, developing, and enabling professionals and organisations to succeed and, as a result, inspire the nation to become more active.

To receive regular updates and information from Active Sussex, you can sign up to their monthly newsletter.

Coaching and training opportunities

Buddle provides free learning and support resources to inspire and strengthen clubs and community organisations offering sport and physical activity – and the professionals that work with them.  So huddle up because we’re here to be your best buddy.

UK Coaching provides essential advice to help you take that all-important first step if you’re considering embarking on a volunteering role as a coach or contemplating a full-time career in coaching.

UK Coaching provides information and support on the importance of Duty to Care and has an enhanced Hub of learning to help you develop your practice.

CIMSPA provides a training Academy for Sport and Physical Activity enables access to the highest quality training and development opportunities for sector professionals and those looking to start a career in the industry.

Sussex Health Population Academy provides a multi element programme of workforce skills, capability and capacity support to drive forward and embed population health approaches.

Self-employment advice

The Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs) plays a vital role in the fitness industry by promoting professionalism and maintaining high standards among exercise professionals.

Information from the Government website to support the self-employed workforce.

Funding opportunities

Tackling Inequalities Through Physical Activity Fund 2024/25 is aimed at supporting organisations who specifically work towards reducing inequalities and aim to deliver better health outcomes within the district. The funding can support existing projects or new ideas, which provide direct support to the local community. Anything from gardening clubs to seated exercise sessions and more! Applications must be submitted by Tuesday 3 September 2024 and can be made for amounts between £1,000 and £15,000.  Funds must be spent by 31st August 2025. If you would like more information, you can contact the Wellbeing Team via

Wealden District Council provides information on community grant funding and also has a Partnerships and Funding Support Officer who can offer support to the community and voluntary sector.

East Sussex County Council provide details of grants and funding available in East Sussex.

Sport England can fund projects and organisations, small and large, that help people get more people active.

Promoting your activities

Wealden District Council has previously created a toolkit to help organisations develop high quality, consistent and effective communication materials to promote your activities and wellbeing events. The communications toolkit provides a range of templates and promotional copyright free images for use. There is also a guidance document that can provide advice and suggestions on reaching your target audiences.

Local and national campaigns

The Getting East Sussex Moving campaign celebrates the places we can get moving across the county and encourages everyone to be more active.

We Are Undefeatable campaign resources, designed for organisations and individuals supporting people with long-term health conditions to be more active.

This Girl Can offers offers a wealth of resources to help make your activities better suited to the needs of women and girls, with inspirational materials and practical resources including toolkits, assets and guides. 

Play Their Way aims to kick-start a movement of child-first coaches, organisations and people changing the game from the ground up.

Live Longer Better is a campaign addressing the serious health crisis for people living in later life across the whole country.


The Healthy Wealden volunteering page has a range of information if you’re looking for volunteering opportunities.

For more information, signposting or advice please contact the Wellbeing Team: