Et non plures
When the Normans landed in England about 110 people lived in the village of Exceat in small houses next to a church overlooking the River Cuckmere. In 1428 the same village comprised “Henry Chesman et non plures” (and no others). What had gone wrong? A walk of five miles takes in landscapes of woodland, downland, sea cliffs, estuary and river to answer this question.
Route Details
LENGTH – 5 miles
TIME – 3 hours
START – Seven Sisters Country Park, Exceat, BN25 4AB. (NGR 518 995)
PARKING – Seven Sisters Country Park car parks, Exceat (access off A259 and Litlington Road). Pay and display.
PUBLIC TOILETS – Seven Sisters Country Park, Exceat
REFRESHMENTS – Pub at Exceat (¼ mile off route). Tea Rooms/Restaurant at Exceat
CAUTION – This walk includes a section of unfenced cliff top and two crossings of the A259 road. Steep climb at the start of the walk.
Icon key



Car park


Picnic area



Start point

Step by Step Guide
Starting from the telephone box at the entrance to Seven Sisters Car Park, turn right and cross the road just after the visitors centre to join South Downs Way footpath (beware there is a gradient here).
Continue along the footpath, passing The Flint Wall (1) before entering a wooded area.
Continue until this road meets The Lane, with a pond on your left (2). Carry on along this road and continue right when the path meets a track. This road will take you past All Saints Church (3) on your left.
When you meet a junction, turn left and follow the road, passing Westdean Manor on your right and Sheep Pen Cottages on your left. Shortly after the latter, continue right on the track as it forks with the path, and take the following right hand turn into Friston Forest (4).
Take the next left onto the footpath and continue along this until it reaches Newbarn Drove and Newbarn Cottages (5). Turn left as the track reaches the road and follow until you meet a footpath junction, at which point, turn right onto the track and then left as the tracks fork.
Take the second right and continue on the footpath until it meets Seaford Road. Take care when crossing the A259 and continue on the footpath opposite. Walk alongside the boundary passing Friston Aerodrome on your left (6). When you reach the footpath junction, turn left and continue along the footpath, keeping the boundary to your left. Follow along the boundary until you meet the next footpath junction and turn left again.
Continue along the boundary until you meet South Downs Way, where you will turn right (7). Ensure you are taking care along this path, as there is a section of unfenced cliff top.
Continue along South Downs Way turning right with the path before the Cliff End (8). Carry on along this path until it meets a track shortly before the Cuckmere River (9) and turn right.
As South Downs Way meets a bend, take the footpath through the fields, passing The Site of the Church near the peak (10). Continue along this path until it brings you to East Dean Road where you will be back at the Headquarters of the Seven Sisters Country Park (11). Here you will find Saltmarsh Rooms and Café and the car park.
Points of Interest
The flint wall here marks the old parish boundary between the former parishes of Westdean and Exceat. The latter was incorporated into the former in 1528, since by this time, Exceat church was “destroyed and razed to the ground, and the place of the site of the Church is profaned”.
Initially, Friston was the most important settlement in the area, with East and West Dean being subsidiary to it. However, by the time King Alfred visited around 885, West Dean was a royal manor with its own settlement of slaves or churls at “churlston”, now Charleston, just out of sight (and smell) to the north. Ships could sail up a creek, now represented only by the pond, to reach this point.
Westdean church may date in part back to Alfred’s time. The unique tower and spire is said to represent a monk’s cowl, possibly in tribute to its later owner, Battle Abbey. The Abbey was responsible for the 14th century clergy house adjacent with its early integral chimney and spiral staircase. On the opposite side of the road, high flint walls surround a large gap – the last successor to King Alfred’s manor house was pulled down in 1825 and only the circular dovehouse still remains.
In 1927, the 2000-acre Friston Forest was planted on what was then open downland. Initially the salt in the air affected the trees until pines were planted to protect the slower growing beech. Today the final stages of pine removal are occurring to leave an almost pure broad-leaved forest, home to over 350 species of plants.
New Barn is a 18th or 19th century structure built of flint walls with brick corner strengthening. Its construction marks the final enclosure of the large communal fields into individual farms.
At this point you cross back into Exceat parish, on the former downland sheep pasture. The area ahead formed Friston aerodrome during World War II with two grass runways and a smattering of buildings. Its most important use was as an emergency landing ground for damaged planes, hence its immediate proximity to the coast.
From the top of the Seven Sisters chalk cliffs, the Belle Tout lighthouse is prominent on the cliff to the east. It was physically moved inland in 1999 to prevent it falling into the sea. At the foot of the cliffs, remains of up to four shipwrecks, may be visible at low tide. Do not go near the edge – the chalk is being lost at an average rate of 2 feet or 0.7 metres per year to the sea.
An excellent view over the Cuckmere estuary, the only unspoilt estuary left in south-east England. The river originally discharged close to the cliff on the east side, leaving its old course as a cut-off lagoon parallel to the shore, visible today.
The flat area adjacent to Foxholes Cottages marks the former harbour belonging to Exceat. The valley beyond is the site of the “open”, arable fields of the village.
The site of the church and village of Exceat. The village initially thrived with a population of over 100. However, in the 14th century, poor harvests, French raids and the Black Death decimated the village, leaving only Henry Chesman and his family by 1428. The site of the village is shown by the rough, nettle-covered ground. The church was left to fall down – a memorial stone marks its former site.
Following the collapse of the village the remaining family (who now farmed the whole parish) resited the farm to a less-exposed site adjacent to the causeway crossing of the Cuckmere. The buildings now form the headquarters of the Seven Sisters Country Park, where further information on the area can be found.
Whilst we have taken reasonable endeavours to ensure the information is up to date and correct, you will be using the information strictly at your own risk. If you come across any inaccuracies whilst you are on your walk, please contact Wealden District Council’s Community and Regeneration team.
The self-guided walk descriptions are provided to help you navigate your way, however we recommend that you plan your route prior to walking the route and that you carry an Ordnance Survey map of the area being walked and follow your position on the map as you proceed.
Please note, we cannot be responsible for the conditions of the footpaths and land and you are responsible for your own safety.