Reduce Alcohol

Public Health England recommend that adults should not exceed more than 14 units of alcohol a week, spread across 3 days or more. That's around 6 medium (175ml) glasses of wine, or 6 pints of 4% beer.

Did you know...

a 14% ABV bottle of wine is the equivalent of 10.5 units of alcohol?

Drinking less is not only good for your physical health, it can also be good for your mental health and wellbeing. Some of the benefits include:

  • Improved mood
  • Improved sleep
  • Reduced blood pressure
  • Reduced cholesterol levels
  • Reduced risk of stroke, hypertension, cancer and liver disease
  • Helps with maintaining healthy weight

The NHS Better Health website has further information on alcohol and reducing your intake.


NHS Drink Free Days App

One simple way to cut down is to have at least a few drink-free days every week, so choose yours and get practical support to stick with it.

One You East Sussex

Health Coaches are available to talk to you about how much you are drinking. One You East Sussex do not provide an alcohol dependency or recovery service, however they can signpost you to STAR, a local organisation who offer this service for free.


Understand more about your drinking, and get tips and advice to help you make a change.

Alcohol Change UK

If you're worried about your own or someone else's drinking, there is support available.